2024-03-19 time.cjc.im
2023-10-23 The Cyber Wallet
2023-10-19 RSS Fixed (maybe...)
2023-10-18 A breath of Fresh air from RSS
2023-10-18 The Perfect Machine
2022-02-23 The PinePDA
2022-02-20 PIM structure
2021-05-28 Networking the Thermal Printer
2021-04-08 Pis and Thermal Printers
2021-01-26 Dry January Computer Edition
2021-01-25 24 hours in the office
2021-01-24 RaspberryPi Pico
2021-01-05 Encrypted USB Drive for Backup
2020-11-17 Onlooker Research 2 US Elections
2020-11-11 Onlooker Research 1 COVID
2020-10-01 The end of onlooker
2020-08-04 snitch.cjc.im
2020-08-02 paste.cjc.im
2020-04-13 Automata on the Nintendo GameBoy
2019-11-23 Automated cat feeder
2019-11-09 The search continues
2019-10-13 Opengraph and twitter meta tags for pride
2019-10-10 Pride Updates for onlooker.io
2019-10-08 onlooker.io
2019-09-22 All aboard the Hype Train- Librem5
2019-09-18 Atom feed
2019-09-13 Pride.py and updates
2019-02-25 Pride.py
2018-12-15 Site Security Toolkit updated
2018-02-26 Mozilla Observatory Addon is dead, Site Security Toolkit is alive
2018-02-21 N900 with PostmarketOS Round 2
2018-02-10 Mozilla Observatory Addon
2017-12-05 Advent of Code Day 5
2017-12-04 Advent of Code Days 2-4
2017-12-01 Advent of Code Day 1
2017-11-25 Minimal Viable Computer IV The Voyage Home
2017-11-25 Style changes
2017-10-09 Minimal Viable Computer III The Search for Spock
2017-10-08 Nokia N900, PostMarketOS and automatically turning off the screen
2017-09-08 Updated the WP Plugin Downloader
2017-09-07 LD07 - GDPR Special and other stuff
2017-08-10 LD05
2017-07-20 LD04 - Breaches, domain hijacking and CVE changes
2017-07-17 Docker Compose for Wordpress
2017-07-14 Stripping down vimrc
2017-07-12 Style changes to pride
2017-07-12 Added 2nd CVE and moved host
2017-04-17 Writing a text editor
2017-02-13 My First CVE
2017-01-30 Minimal Keyboard or how small can we go
2017-01-23 Images on Posts
2016-11-21 wp-plugin-downloader DOES work on WSL
2016-11-18 Windows Subsystem for Linux
2016-11-14 Posts can now be tagged
2016-11-14 Adding the ability to tag posts with ssg
2016-11-13 Being able to post more than once
2016-11-13 Some updates to the static site generator
2016-10-26 A Walkthrough of my vimrc
2016-09-09 Bullet Journal
2016-08-10 More automation on the plugin downloader
2016-07-27 Plugin Download now remembers past plugins
2016-07-19 Wordpress and MySQL with Docker
2016-07-14 wp-plugin-downloader can either search or get newest
2016-07-07 Tiny shell script to download WP plugins
2016-07-05 Vulnerability and Advisory log
2016-06-20 Docker tor client
2016-05-28 static site generator source now on github
2016-05-19 minimalism is dead, long live minimalism
2016-05-08 Finally added some minor theming
2016-04-05 Changes to how pages are linked
2016-04-04 Why I chose to write and use a static site generator
2016-04-03 Bit of a folder structure change
2016-04-02 OpenBSD running the static site generator
2016-04-01 Another day another post - Installing OpenBSD
2016-03-31 Only recent posts on front page
2016-03-30 Minimal static site generator